Membership Letter:District 140 Supervision Dear IAM District 140 Family, As a member of Canada’s largest and most powerful airline union, the IAM, you have a right to expect world-class representation. And while our long-standing solidarity and strength have gotten us to this point, it has become clear in my visits with you – our proud membership – …
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Membership Letter: District 140 Supervision
Bulletin 008
International Women’s Day Recognition
Dear Brothers and Sisters, International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is “Inspire Inclusion”. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. Together we can ensure the voices of diversity are amplified and valued. The unique experiences of …
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Family Responsibility Days
24th Annual IAMAW Transportation District 140 Convention
IAM LL2603 Holiday Celebration to Webnesday, Dec 13 2023 from 09:00-10:00. Coffee and baked goods will be served along with a holiday gift draw and door prizes!