The IAM multi-employer pension plan (MEPP registered July 23rd 2013) is run by labour and management trustees that give IAM MEPP locals a low-cost alternative to a single-employer defined benefit plan or an RRSP. Please see the link below for more information about the MEPP. The IAM also provides the legacy defined benefit (DB) pension plan based on negotiated contribution rates for members hired prior to 2016. See the below YouTube video for more information regarding the IAM/Air Canada Defined Benefit Pension Plan. Disclaimer: The information contained in the below presentation is accurate only to 2018, the date on which it was recorded.
Pension Bulletin 1270 – Overtime Earnings
Air Canada Off-Duty Status (ODS) Pension Buyback Q&A

Pension Representative
My name is Myranda Bachewich and I am the Pension Rep for the Local Lodge 2603.
At one time I was a pension administrator before joining Air Canada and I know how challenging it can be to understand all of the rules associated with each pension offered, and how important it is to have a better understanding of this retirement benefit available to all of us. I am here to help, and if I’m not able answer your questions right away I will ask until we find the answers we’re looking for. We have a great deal of support with our pensions and I’m happy to work to represent our local office.