Dear Sisters and Brothers:
In the coming days and weeks, we can expect layoffs for some of our IAM members within District 140 at Air Canada. The EFAP has compiled a list of helpful links to ease the stress of applying for the assistance you may need. Keep in mind, that after COVID-19 has been eradicated, the financial hardships may continue. If you do not have a budget for your home, you may want to consider making one, there are many apps that can help you create a budget and access where you can save money.
Employment Insurance wait times have been eliminated for those laid off due to COVID -19. However, due to the volume of Canadians being laid off, the queue to deal with your claim will be much longer than usual.
Canada Revenue Agency, yearly income tax deadline to file taxes has been extended to June 1, 2020. Also, the date for taxes to be paid has been extended to August 31 without interest.
Student loan and debt relief is available for those paying student loans
Many IAM members have small businesses to supplement their income. The following link will help you apply for financial aid for your small business.
If you are out of the country trying to get home, the government has created a loan program to help those needing to purchase flights, food and lodging.
The following is a link to an article on the Canadian IAMAW website. The article has further links to resources, throughout the country, for counseling and hotlines for crisis situations.
If you are in a position that your debt load is overwhelming, and you need help with consolidating your expenses, we have compiled a group of companies that consolidate debt and counsel you for debt management. Some of these companies are national and others are regional.
Credit Canada National https://www.creditcanada.com/
Sands and Associates British Columbia https://www.sands-trustee.com/
Farber British Columbia https://www.afarber.com/covid-19-updates/
Money Mentors Alberta https://moneymentors.ca/
Farber Alberta https://www.afarber.com/covid-19-updates/
Credit Counseling Society Saskatchewan https://www.nomoredebts.org/
LC Taylor Manitoba https://lctaylor.com/
Farber Ontario https://www.afarber.com/covid-19-updates/
Spergal Ontario https://www.spergel.ca/
Pierre Roy Quebec https://pierreroy.com/en/
Raymond Chabot Quebec https://www.raymondchabot.com/en/
Credit Counselling Services Atlantic Canada https://www.solveyourdebts.com/
In solidarity,
Derrick Bashford
Employee Assistance Program
National EFAP Coordinator
Central Region