Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 and many of our members being laid off, the EFAP secured the ability for laid off members to utilize the IAMAW portion of their counselling benefit. All that is required to access these benefits is fill out a form and send it to my office for processing.
The EFAP realizes that our members who have been laid off may not have the funds needed to pay for therapy during their time of need. Due to these concerns, the EFAP National Committee has decided to approach a third- party for the counselling needs of our members. By utilizing a third-party there will be no out of pocket expense to our members for this period.
I have spoken with Homewood Human Solutions and they have agreed to provide us with their services until the end of the year at which time the EFAP will continue forward with our program as it stands now. Once the agreement is finalized, I will send a bulletin with the contact number Homewood will provide for our members. All members of the IAMAW at Air Canada, regardless if you are laid off or still working will have access to these services.
I am currently waiting for a list of our members from Air Canada, I will then forward the list to Homewood. My hope is that we will be up and running with Homewood before the end of June. If you prefer to use our current system, it will still be in place, and as always you can contact me, your Regional Coordinator or an EFAP rep for referrals.
In solidarity,
Derrick Bashford
National Coordinator
Employee and Family
Assistance Program